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Heatwave warning to be heeded by Brunswick residents

By Jamil Allouche

The Moreland City Council and Victorian Department of Health have announced a warning for tourists and residents of real estate in Brunswick that a heatwave is expected for Friday 2 January, pushing for everyone in the area to take care and protect themselves in the early new year. 

A heatwave is a period of time when temperatures are expected to remain at exceedingly high levels, usually measured as any temperature remaining over 10 degrees the normal level. With this expected to happen in the Moreland region later this week, it's important to take the right measures to protect yourself and your loved ones. 

Staying out of the sun is the best way to avoid having any averse effects from the heat. Furthermore, remaining hydrated and keeping in shaded areas is another way to avoid getting sun stroke, severe skin burns and other negative ailments. 

Furthermore, keeping an eye on neighbours and those in the community will help reduce harm to locals. If you or anyone else begins to suffer heat-related symptoms – including confusion or fainting – don't hesitate to get in touch with the emergency services and enlist the help of the professionals to stay in good health. 

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